
Baghdad e Ziyarat Packages

For those Muslim who believe in Ziyarat and paying tribute at Dargah’s

Inaya Global Travels Umrahs caters to Muslims who value ziyarat and pay their respects at dargahs by offering specially crafted Ziyarat packages. These unique Umrah packages, spanning ten days and nine nights, include airfare and provide the flexibility to choose any month. Inaya Global Travels also presents meticulously planned and efficiently managed Umrah packages for Iraqi ziyarat, encompassing visits to Kufa, Najaf, and Karbala. Among these, the highly sought-after Umrah with Iraq Sharif package not only secures accommodations for both Ziyarat and Umrah but also covers lodging, food, transportation expenses, along with an insurance-backed visa for Iraq and Umrah.

The Baghdad Ziyarat packages stand out as a distinctive feature of Inaya Global Travels Umrah. We acknowledge the significance of each visit and the importance of efficient time management for an optimal experience. To prioritize the comfort and convenience of our customers, our team and staff offer thorough guidance and a well-structured trip plan.

Ziyarat e Baghdad Package

Economy Class Flight


Economy 11wi Shareef Ziyarat Baghdad Package

Economy Class Flight


Masjid Al Aqsa
Economy Baghdad Package

Economy Class Flight


Umrah with Baghdad Package

Economy Class Flight
